Company name
Please give us the registered name of your company. If you operate through a number of SPVs, please tell us the parent company.
Business type
Please indicate your business type. This is typically Sole Trader, Partnership, or Limited Company. If other, please indicate your current business entity.
Company registration number
Please state your full company registration number, or UTR if you are a sole trader.
Date of incorporation
Companies are expected to be within their first three years of trading. We will consider companies that have been formally incorporated for longer than three years, but able to evidence that their company has a need for early-stage company support.
Trading address
Please tell us your trading address. You must be based in Scotland.
Lead contact and position
Tell us who will be taking part in the Bootcamp, including a full name and role in the company.
Please provide the contact details of the person named above, and the URL of your website if you have one.
An SME is an enterprise which employs fewer than 250 persons and which has an annual turnover not exceeding 50 million Euro, and/or an annual balance sheet total not exceeding 43 million Euro, and is independent. An independent enterprise is one where no more than 25% of the capital or voting rights are owned by one or more enterprises which fall outside the SME definition. A micro business is a company with fewer than 10 employees, and a turnover of less than 2 million Euros.
This will be the global turnover for your business excluding any SPVs, and should be expressed in pounds sterling. All turnover received should be included. Please indicate your most recent year’s turnover. If this is not indicative of the status of your company, please create an average annual turnover from your previous three years’ accounts.
As jobs within an organisation can be full time, part time or seasonal, it is necessary to adjust the total number of employees into FTEs. As an example, where staff are employed 40 hours per week (1 FTE), an employee working 20 hours a week would be 0.5 FTE. FTE units should be aggregated to reach the total standardised FTEs for the organisation. FTE hours should be calculated excluding annual, public holidays, sick and other leave where appropriate. Sub contractors are not included.
A Project is defined as long or short form content intended for broadcast or exhibition, in which your company has a production or co-production role.
Number of projects in development
Self-funded development can include projects that you are working on within your organisation with no current external funding. Projects can be considered as externally funded if they are fully or partly funded by a broadcaster or other partner.
Number of projects in production
Please include any projects in production or post-production which are not yet complete.
Number of projects completed
Please include all projects completed, including projects that have been broadcast/exhibited as well as those still in the sales process.
If you have a named contact within Business Gateway, Growth Advisory Service or Scottish Enterprise please add both the name and the organisation.
A: Please tell us about your company, including founders, key achievements, and highlighted projects.
B: Please tell us what you would like to achieve over the next two years. This could be increasing the skills of staff, instilling leadership skills, establishing co-production contacts, increasing turnover, diversifying market, or developing new models of audience development, distribution, or financing. Please identify specific goals and include as many as are relevant.
C: Please tell us what you would like to learn from the Bootcamp.